Alas Rame Online

Sharing and Knoladge

Wahai Lelaki

O Men, Your job is to glorify women. Your mother, your wife, and your daughters.

On your shoulders they rest. Then you should be ashamed; if your hands are still on your lap and your heart is not moved to make them noble.

O Men, Your job is to glorify women. Your mother is three times more worthy of respect than your father. Even if you have carried him around the world; surely the glory of your mother will not be reciprocated to you. Your wife is an indicator of your goodness. His glory through your hands is the weight of your deeds in the afterlife.

Your daughters are a mirror of you. Their pleasure due to your actions is your shield from the fires of hell.

O Men, Your job is to glorify women. Glorify, make them glorious, in the world and by His side.

So don't ever count when supporting your mother. Did your mother ever charge you for the milk that made you who you are now?
Don't feel heavy when sufficient for your wife's needs. Shouldn't your honor be able to fulfill it?
Even feel cramped when giving the pleasures of the world to your daughters. The hellfire shield is incomparable to anything in the world.

O Men, Your job is to glorify women. Noble, not only in the world; but also to make them noble before Him.
Don't expect them to establish His commandments; when you yourself are negligent towards Him. Don't think they will obey you; otherwise you may not deserve to be obeyed. Do not also hope for the accompaniment of their prayers and blessings if they miss your prayers.

O Men, Your job is to glorify women. However, really, they are the cause of your glory; as they too may be the cause of your humiliation. Then the magnificent buildings in the world are not enough for them to be glorious; teach them to build palaces in His heaven.

Eliminate your narrow feelings; Allah will surely provide for you to suffice them.

Be gentle with them; surely Allah will soften them to be gentle with you.

Be happy, O Men, if your trust is so heavy on earth; then Allah must have prepared a glorious place for you who has made a noble woman by His side.
“You should advise women as best you can, because the woman was actually made from a rib, in fact the most crooked part of the bone is the one on top of it; if you want to straighten it, it will break, and if you let it stand, it will remain crooked. Therefore, please advise women as well as possible "(History of Bukhari and Muslim and Abu Hurairah)
Amen ya Robbal'alamin...
